Social Procurement Framework
Bendigo Kangan Institute is fully committed to supporting the Government’s directions under the Framework and recognise that we play a key role in advancing social and sustainable outcomes for Victorians. This Social Procurement Strategy enables BKI to foster our existing culture of supporting social and sustainable outcomes and to adopt a strategic, agency-wide approach to delivering social and sustainable outcomes through our procurement in accordance with the Framework, and beyond. It outlines:
- Our identified social procurement opportunities;
- Our priority social procurement and sustainable procurement objectives;
- Key roles and responsibilities for social procurement;
- Our approach to developing social procurement capability; and
- Our social procurement measurement and reporting approach.
What is Social Procurement?
Social procurement is when organisations use their buying power to generate social value above and beyond the value of the goods, services or construction being procured.
Social value means the additional benefits created for all Victorians when social and sustainable outcomes of this Strategy are achieved, which are consistent with the Framework.
Social procurement may be grouped into two broad approaches:
- Direct approach - Where BKI purchases goods, services or construction from a social benefit supplier. By purchasing from social benefit suppliers, BKI is directly delivering social and sustainable outcomes.
- Indirect approach - Where BKI purchases goods, services or construction from a mainstream supplier (that is, any supplier that is not a social benefit supplier) and uses invitations to supply and clauses in contracts to deliver social and sustainable outcomes.
Priority Social and Sustainable Procurement Objectives
The priority social and sustainable objectives outlined below underpin the focus of this Strategy. They align with the Framework and have been chosen based on their high degree of alignment with BKI’s strategic direction and values as well as being best positioned to advance our identified social procurement opportunities.

While these priority social and sustainable objectives guide our procurement delivery, BKI is committed to pursuing any opportunities to advance social and sustainable outcomes for Victorians. Therefore, our buyers can pursue other objectives of the Framework in each individual procurement activity, beyond those identified as our organisation’s priority objectives
How will BKI create Social Procurement opportunities?
BKI will create social procurement opportunities through
- Compulsory Social Procurement evaluation criteria on go-to-markets
- Purchase from Social Benefit, Australian Disability suppliers and Victorian Aboriginal Businesses
- Adoption of sustainable business practices
- Educate the BKI and wider community on how to incorporate Social Procurement into everyday practices.
Where to access Social Suppliers?
Social Traders
Supply Nation
How can suppliers help make a difference?
Suppliers can access further information that enable them to consider how to respond to future market invitations from BKI or other government agencies to supply goods, services or construction by visiting Buying for Victoria website for further information on the Victorian Government Social Procurement Framework.