
Our Heroes are made at Bendigo TAFE and Kangan Institute

22 October 2020

Bendigo TAFE and Kangan Institute have launched their latest advertising campaign titled, Our Heroes, which is a celebration of the role their students play in the community.

“Within a few short years, our students are building our houses, nursing our sick, fixing our cars, caring for our children and pets, designing our clothes – all playing their part in bringing our economy back on track following the coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic,” explained Caroline Schmidt, Director – Group Brand and Student Acquisition at Bendigo TAFE and Kangan Institute.

“Our new advertising campaign sums it up - they are Our Heroes and they are made at our TAFEs,” Ms Schmidt said.  

Developed in-house by the Marketing team at Bendigo TAFE and Kangan Institute, Our Heroes is an above and below the line campaign, which stars the TAFEs’ students and teachers and industry partners.

“The inspiration for Our Heroes was born from our observations,” said Ms Schmidt.

“We have seen how proud our students and their families are of their achievements, especially at graduation. Our students are the heroes in their family, and often the first in their family to undertake formal training,” she added.

This fun and eye-catching campaign, which showcases emotive vision and images, targets 18-55 year olds from all backgrounds seeking to upskill or train, who aspire to improve their lives through career enhancement or change.

“With strong pop culture references to super heroes, we wanted to tell the story of our students’ transformation, but also ensure the connection to our brands as the platform for that transformation.  Heroes are rarely born.  They overcome adversity and rise to the challenge of their environments, often putting others ahead of themselves.” explained Ms Schmidt.

“Our Heroes was also designed to connect to our internal brand story, KanBe, and to connect to our employees who are the agents for student transformation. It was intended to capture the pride our staff have in their work and their relationship to student success as well as instil aspiration in prospective students,” she concluded.​

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