
Triple M breakfast team interview our star teacher Lisa Flanagan!

Triple M's breakfast team Cogho and Kylie interviewed our star teacher Lisa Flanagan yesterday. 

Lisa chatted with the team about the TWED Film Festival screening at our Bendigo City Campus on 20th October and how all films are created throughout the year by our Transition and Work Education (TWED) students. 

Lisa also explained that we are looking for sponsors for the event and how the public can register to attend for free! 

Listen to the interview now by clicking on the image below!


Are you a local business or organisation that is interested in sponsoring this event? We would love to hear from you! We are looking for financial sponsorship to help us cover costs of the evening so the event can remain free for the attendees, and we are also looking for door prizes for the night. 

In return, we will use your logo on promotional activity for the event, and on the night when there will also be a public acknowledgement of your contribution.

If you are interested in finding out more, please contact us here.


Attending the event:

To register to attend this free event and see out TWED students showcase their amazing films, click here. We hope you can join us!


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