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Why choose a TAFE to University Pathway?

At Bendigo TAFE, you’ll find our approach to learning is far different from University. For us, it’s all about our students having a positive learning experience.  Our students participate in hands on learning, and experience smaller class sizes, ensuring that each student is getting the support that they need.

Our relaxed environment allows students to build study skills, develop industry knowledge and provides a confidence boost before moving onto University or the Workplace.

  • Potential to gain ‘guaranteed entry’ to University 

Our students are ‘guaranteed entry’ to some of Australia’s leading Universities upon the successful completion of their TAFE qualification. For example, our graduates of the Certificate IV in Allied Health Assistance (HLT43015) are guaranteed a place in the Bachelor of Health Sciences at La Trobe University.

Furthermore, students completing a Diploma or Advanced Diploma course with Bendigo TAFE gain guaranteed entry in to a Bachelor of Arts at Deakin University. TAFE students have the ability to apply for a conditional offer to their degree midway through their TAFE studies. This means they have peace of mind knowing they have the opportunity to continue their studies with University if they choose.

  • Gain credits towards University

Bendigo TAFE have formal agreements with a range Universities, ensuring that our Diploma and Advanced Diploma graduates gain credits towards specific degrees while studying with TAFE.

With credits, the length of time required to complete a degree at University can be shortened by completing a pathway TAFE course first. For example, graduates from Bendigo TAFE’s Diploma of Building and Construction (Building) (CPC50210) can reduce the time required to complete the Bachelor of Construction Management (Honours) at Victoria University by 12 months when undertaking a pathway.

  • Study Locally and Save Money

If your university of choice isn’t in your neighbourhood, or your local university does not have the degree you want to study, commuting or relocating can be very expensive. Choosing your local TAFE can have a range of benefits:

  • Saving on long distance transport costs
  • Reduced University fees with credits gained
  • Opportunity to undertake a Free TAFE course

Free TAFE courses offer eligible students government subsidised funding which can make learning more accessible to those concerned about course fees.

To learn more about the Free TAFE courses available at Bendigo TAFE click here.

  • Make Money Sooner

Nationally recognised courses at Bendigo TAFE can be completed in as little as 6 - 12 months and qualify students to begin working in their industry of choice sooner.

Students who have successfully completed their TAFE and pathway into University have the opportunity to study part time and work in their chosen field. For example, many of our Diploma of Nursing (HLT54115) graduates work in the health industry while studying part time as they complete their Bachelor of Nursing.

  • Double the qualifications

By completing both a TAFE course and a University Pathway, you’ll end up with two qualifications. In some industries, employers prefer people who have both a VET qualification (hands-on skills) and a degree (theoretical knowledge). You’ll have a wider range of skills and knowledge which is highly regarded by employers.

TAFE to University Pathways offer a great range of benefits and should be considered by anyone looking to study. For more information on Bendigo TAFE courses with articulated University pathways click here.

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